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A model of young people's decision-making in using the Web

TitreA model of young people's decision-making in using the Web
Type de publicationArticle de revue
Année de publication2002
AuteursAgosto, D.
RevueInformation Science Research
Mots-clésécriture et lecture numériques, genre, jeunesse

This article offers a theoretical model of the criteria young people use to evaluate websites. The model combines the concepts of personal preferences, object engagement characteristics, human processing constraints, and contextual constraints to predict a young person's evaluation decision. The qualitative methodology used to gather data for the development and testing of this model included website evaluation sessions and group interviews with 11 young female students. Data analysis took the form of iterative pattern coding using QSR NUD*IST Vivo qualitative data analysis software. Data analysis uncovered strong support for the theoretical and empirical models. Related implications for website designers are discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of enabling users to modify website design to satisfy their personal preferences. Related implications for librarians and teachers are also discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of teaching young people to become more critical users of the Web.

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