Lecture numérique et documentation.
Lire au collège. 92(2), (295.07 Ko)
(2013). Lecture numérique et logique de l'attention.
Dazibao. 36, 45-48. (276.32 Ko)
(2013). Les pratiques de lecture et le numérique : l'intégration de la lecture numérique dans le quotidien..
(2013). Les spécificités de la lecture numérique.
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(2013). Lire grâce à des lecteurs mp3.
Lire au collège. 92(2), (144.27 Ko)
(2013). Machines to think with? E-books, kindles and english teachers, the much prophesied death of the book revisited.
Changing English. 20(2), 148-159.
(2013). New Literacies : A Dual-Level Theory of the Changing Nature of Literacy, Instruction, and Assessment.
From theorical models and process of reading. 1150–1181. (423.74 Ko)
(2013). New school art styles : The project of art education.
Art Education, the Journal of the National Art Education Association. 6-15.
(2013). Shape shifting smartphones: Riding the waves in post-‐secondary education.
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 39(2), 1-16. (409.8 Ko)
(2013). Transforming Teaching and Learning Through Critical Media Literacy Pedagogy.
Learning Landscapes. 6(2), 109. (150.87 Ko)
(2013). Vers une approche interactionnelle en didactique des langues et web 2.0.
NumLangues (Séminaire Numérique et langues). (3.76 Mo)
(2013). Weaving multimodal meaning in a graphic novel reading group.
Visual communication. 12(1), 27-53.
(2013). WEB 2.0 Tool & Resource Guide 2013.
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(2013). What is new about the new literacies of online reading comprehension.
Secondary School Literacy: What Research Reveals for Classroom Practice.