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Congrès mondial du conseil international des études francophones. 187-198.
(1995). Art as Literacy.
Language Arts Language Arts . 74 , 338-350 .
Weaving the literacy Web : Changes in reading from page to screen.
The Reading Teacher. 55(7), 662-669.
(297.27 Ko)
Electronic Literacy: Teaching Literary Reading through the Digital Medium.
Department of English. Ph.D.,
Console video games and global corporations : Creating a hybrid culture..
New Media and SocietyNew Media and Society. 8, 117-137.
(2006). Perspectives on teachers as digital library users. Consumers, contributors, and designers.
D-Lib Magazine. 12(9),
(821.79 Ko)
Adolescents composing fiction in digital game and written formats : Tacit, explicit and metacognitive strategies..
E-learningE-learning. 4, 273-284.
(2007). Critical literacy learning through video games: Adolescent boys’ perspectives..
E-learning and digital mediaE-learning and digital media. 4, 285-296.
(2007). Digital literacy : What it means for arts education.
International handbook of research in arts education. 1297-1310.
(2007). From supergoo to scratch : Exploring creative digital media production in informal learning.
Learning, Media & Technology. 32, 149-166.
(2007). Information Technology Literacy : Implications on Teaching and Learning.
Educational Technology & Society. 10(3), 175-191.
(365.23 Ko)
Digital literacies : tracing the implications for learners and learning.
The educational and social impact of new technologies on young people in Britain. 3, 1-43.
(2008). The performative pull or research with new media.
International Journal of Qualitative MethodsInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods. 7, 16-34.
(2008). Teaching literacy in the new media age through the arts.
(Lowe, K., Ed.).Literacy Learning : The middle years, a journal of the Australian literacy educators association. 16, 8-17.
(2008). Worlds have collided and modes have merged : Classroom evidence of changed literacy practices.
LiteracyLiteracy. 42, 101-108.
(2008). Confronting the challenges of participatory cultures (media education for the 21st century).
(Jenkins, H., Ed.).The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on <br/>Digital Media and Learning. 129.
(2009). La balado : Une façon d'apprendre appréciée des jeunes.
Clic, Bulletin collégial des technologies de l'information et des communications. 74, 1-3.
(2009). Pratiques culturelles chez les jeunes et institutions de transmission : Un choc des cultures?.
Culture Prospective, par DEPS. 1, 1-8.
(2009). Do we really need media education 2.0? Teaching media in the case of participatory culture.
(, Ed.).Digital content creation. 46,
(2010). From information to experience: Place-based augmented reality games as a model for learning in a globally networked society.
Teachers College RecordTeachers College Record. 112, 2565-2602.
(2010). Lire la littérature numérique à l'université : deux situations pédagogiques.
Études de linguistique appliquée (ELA). 160, 411-420.
(197.36 Ko)