
Exporter 620 resultats:
Auteur Titre Type [ Année(Desc)]
Vandendorpe, C. (2008).  Reading on Screen: The New Media Sphere. A companion to digital literary study .  (140.16 Ko)
Dinet, J., & Tricot A. (2008).  Recherche d’information dans les documents électroniques. Ergonomie des documents électroniques. 328.
Knobel, M., & Lankshear C. (2008).  Remix: The art and craft of endless hybridization. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 52(1), 22-33. (142.01 Ko)
Leu, D. J., Henry L. A., Castek J., Hartman D. K., Henry L. A., & Reinking D. (2008).  Research on instruction and assessment of the new literacies of online reading comprehension. Comprehension Instruction : Research-based Best Practices. 321–346. (365.99 Ko)
Burke, A., & Rowsell J. (2008).  Screen Pedagogy: Challenging Perceptions of Digital Reading Practice.
Burke, A., & Rowsell J. (2008).  Screen Pedagogy: Challenging Perceptions of Digital Reading Practice.
Walsh, C. (2008).  Teaching literacy in the new media age through the arts. (Lowe, K., Ed.).Literacy Learning : The middle years, a journal of the Australian literacy educators association. 16, 8-17.
Moran, J., Ferdig R. E., P. Pearson D., Wardrop J., & Blomeyer, Jr. R. L. (2008).  Technology and Reading Performance in the Middle-School Grades: A Meta-Analysis with Recommendations for Policy and Practice1.
Moran, J., Ferdig R. E., P. Pearson D., Wardrop J., & Blomeyer, Jr. R. L. (2008).  Technology and reading performance in the middle-school grades: A meta-analysis with recommendations for policy and practice. Journal of Literacy Research. 40(1), 6-58. (543.09 Ko)
Gervais, B. (2008).  Is There a Text on This Screen? Reading in an Era of Hypertextuality. A companion to digital literary study.  (548.05 Ko)
Walsh, M. (2008).  Worlds have collided and modes have merged : Classroom evidence of changed literacy practices. LiteracyLiteracy. 42, 101-108.
Gervais, B. (2009).  Arts et littératures hypermédiatiques: éléments pour une valorisation de la culture de l'écran. Digital Studies/Le champ numérique. 1(2),  (385.75 Ko)
Gervais, B. (2009).  Arts et littératures hypermédiatiques : éléments pour une valorisation de la culture de l’écran.  (385.75 Ko)
Jacucci, G., Spagnolli A., Chalambalakis A., Morrisson A., Liikkanen L., Roveda S., et al. (2009).  Bodily explorations in space : Social experience of a multimodal art installation. (Gross, T., Gulliksen J., Kotzé P., Oestreicher L., Palanque P., Prates R. Oliverira, et al., Ed.).12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. II, 62-75.
Jenkins, H., Purushotma R., Weigel M., Clinton K., & Robison A. (2009).  Confronting the challenges of participatory cultures (media education for the 21st century). (Jenkins, H., Ed.).The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on <br/>Digital Media and Learning. 129.
TABARY-BOLKA, LAURE. (2009).  Culture adolescente vs culture informationnelle. L’adolescent acteur de la circulation de l’information sur Internet. Les cahiers du numérique. 5(3), 85-97. (265.2 Ko)
St-Pierre, R. (2009).  Des jeux vidéo pour l'apprentissage? Facteurs de motivation et de jouabilité issus du game design. Bulletin Clic.  (911.57 Ko)
López, O. S. (2009).  The Digital Learning Classroom: Improving English Language Learners’ academic success in mathematics and reading using interactive whiteboard technology.
Selwyn, N. (2009).  The digital native : myth and reality. New information perspective. 61(4),
Robin, B. R. (2009).  Digital Storytelling: A Powerful Technology Tool for the 21st Century Classroom.
Larson, L. C. (2009).  E-reading and e-responding: New tools for the next generation of readers. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 53(3), 
Bertagna, C. (2009).  Faire dialoguer culture moderne ou contemporaine et culture patrimoniale: exemples et démarches. Le français aujourd'hui. 69-77. (590.76 Ko)
Tan, L., & Guo L. (2009).  From Print to Critical Multimedia Literacy: One Teacher’s Foray Into New Literacies Practices.
Dubuc, R. (2009).  La balado : Une façon d'apprendre appréciée des jeunes. Clic, Bulletin collégial des technologies de l'information et des communications. 74, 1-3.
Michel, K. (2009).  La notion de genre(s) : un outil transférable pour l’évaluation des documents numériques.
